Success of trump has made the world to re-think about their relation with USA. Although obama has many great achievements on his credit like successful encounter of Osama Bin Laden and normalization of ties with Cuba. But the election 2016 in USA defined a new era which would be purely categorized as Trump era.
Russia and china both are cold war and post cold war counterparts but now whole of the world is coming to new ea of block making. Like in 2016 ASEAN extended its permanent membership to many countries like india and pakistan. This clearly shows that now world will be interacting in many groups to seek cooperation. Similarly recently race for the membership of Nuclear supplier Group(NSG) has also described the new groups in UNO.
Moreover economic ventures of whole world are now urging the international community to invoke peaceful relations within the world. This thesis has also lead the world to explore positive opportunities by diffusing old controversies.
Now USA will have to maintain and develop its position in more active manner not only in its own region but also in outer world. The involvement of USA in promotion of dialogues among the nation would raise image of USA.
Trump establishment can also use financial assistance programme to enhance its influence in world and it can clearly give message to world that still USA is playing its role in world. The recent decision of travel ban is one of hot topic of discussion among different quarters of the world,
Trump's election indeed gave clear reflection to the world that may be the USA going to take some hard decisions on different issues. But generally as the USA has strong and consistent democratic values so it was narrowly thought. But now the course of history would be decided otherwise. As trump has vowed to bring the development in USA through cooperation of the all the segments of the society so the future of USA is in safe hands.
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