21st century is the age of social media with all its powerful contents and effective features. Who had thought that a short tweet or facebook book post would bring revolution but we have seen. Just recal the picture of 3 year aylan kurdi and observe the response of human rigts group. This was the time when social media exactly emerged as guardian of basic rights.
But social media has a lot to do with financial ups and downs of modern time as now social media gives the boom to business enterprises and introduces new technique.
Business and social media are now considered two parallel terms. It is matter of fact that now business promotion is not possible without social media. A huge investment without engaging social media is just waste of money. So social media is one of the most powerful element in the realm of business.
But a basic question which arises in mind is exactly " what social media is?" Starting from twitter ending at Facebook or it is more wider term that wields IMO,whatsap,viber or other features inducted to bring the social interaction on more active level. Infact this term of " social media" has gotten extensive use because it is widely applied to express man to man relation and freedom of expression is its prominent characteristic.
Coming to the business marketing is now not possible without having a Facebook page or twitter accoun. All the leading brands and companies have their live accounts updating on minute to minute basis. This feature where brings the social interaction between customer and company their it gives a good fame to product.
Previous ideas of public relations has been marked as outdated. Now social media and internet bringing a new technique everyday to enhance public relationing skills. Just take the USA Elections of 2016 it was a a best show of induction of advertising companies for two representatives. So, at this stage even social media directly gave business to people.
Brands have their active page with a clear indication of their response time on inbox message so customer when receives a satisfactory answer of his questions, he prefer to buy a product.
Google adsense has also introduced a new era of online marketing and advertising. Google ad word like factor helping to get online advertisement on valid click.advertiser only pays when his advertisement is rightly seen.
This is also giving outreach to many production units which were once situated away from main market. Nos does not matter either a company is situated at far place or in busy business place. They have their outreach to whole of the world.Social media now has grown to level where it would be possible to call it fourth pillar of state.
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