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How to take screenshot on Windows, Mac, i phone and andriod

Modern Equipments and other technological sources  have made life too easy. There are too many things in life which have become easily do able with use cell phone, laptop and other gadget. This is the true point where we can say that human life is moving towards most easiest phase of it and it has  become too compatible with modern style of life. These pro-life tools are turning and reshaping the life in more quick and viable way. At this stage we can say the man's journey from the cave to civilization has earned a pace which is matchless in unique manner. This was man's dream and it is turning into reality.

Screenshot  is the most comfortable handy way to keep the relevant things within approach. You are watching a website or movie and you want to save certain part of it. This is quite possible through screenshot. you can share this saved data with your friends as well on the social media like facebook, twitter and other sites. this gives you freedom of sharing information in most rapid manner. This becomes easy for you.

But question here is that how to take screenshot on Windows, Mac, i phone and andriod?  So here is the answer in most easy way . hopefully, these short tips/tricks will help you to take screenshot without taking any extra software and apps from internet.

Mac has the option to provide you the selection of area you want to save through quick button. what you will have to is to press shift button along with command key and number four. On the screen of your mobile there will appear the margin area which you need to select. After that when you will leave the buttons pressed after selection, you will be having the screen shot of the required area. This location where this screenshot will be saved is the desktop of your mac with png extension. There is another way to do it more quickly and without using key if you are having a keyboard. On keyboard just press the print button and your screenshot will be saved.

To take screenshot on I Phone , I Pad (IOS devices)  This is the most simplest way to capture a screenshot. You just need to hold home button on your iphone and power button where from you switch off or on your phone. when you will press these button, your required screenshot will be saved automatically.

To take screenshot on Android and tablet  this is too easy for android and tablet. likewise there are two buttons. One is volume down and other is power hence your screenshot will be saved.

To take screenshot on samsung mobile Modern Equipments and other technological sources  have made life too easy. There are too many things in life which have become easily do able with use cell phone, laptop and other gadget. This is the true point where we can say that human life is moving towards most easiest phase of it and it has  become too compatible with modern style of life. These pro-life tools are turning and reshaping the life in more quick and viable way. At this stage we can say the man's journey from the cave to civilization has earned a pace which is matchless in unique manner. This was man's dream and it is turning into reality.

Screenshot  is the most comfortable handy way to keep the relevant things within approach. You are watching a website or movie and you want to save certain part of it. This is quite possible through screenshot. you can share this saved data with your friends as well on the social media like facebook, twitter and other sites. this gives you freedom of sharing information in most rapid manner. This becomes easy for you.

But question here is that how to take screenshot on Windows, Mac, i phone and andriod?  So here is the answer in most easy way . hopefully, these short tips/tricks will help you to take screenshot without taking any extra software and apps from internet.

Mac has the option to provide you the selection of area you want to save through quick button. what you will have to is to press shift button along with command key and number four. On the screen of your mobile there will appear the margin area which you need to select. After that when you will leave the buttons pressed after selection, you will be having the screen shot of the required area. This location where this screenshot will be saved is the desktop of your mac with png extension. There is another way to do it more quickly and without using key if you are having a keyboard. On keyboard just press the print button and your screenshot will be saved.

To take screenshot on Sony phone  it is bit different . There is power button and to capture screenshot there is required that power button should be hold until a menu will appear where you will see the option to capture a screenshot. This is almost totally different from all other options available on phones and androids.

To take screenshot on I Phone , I Pad (IOS devices)  Samsung mobiles are widely used and its function of making screenshot it comparatively easy. we can take screenshot by pressing power and home button, the screenshot will be saved.

apps to take screenshot  is also a wonderful option. Now a days use of apps is very common. If you feel difficulty in using the buttons, just download any app to take screenshot. This will help you take easy screenshot will all possible options on your own choice.


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