In the recent years European Union(EU) States have witnessed a huge flux of migrants coming from various countries and seeking asylum. This problem, last year, gave birth to many new question as well as steps by EU members states to control the inflow of these migrants. Even UK found this a reason to seek BREXIT from EU. But there are certain reasons behind such a big flow of immigrants to Europe.

One of the leading reason is poverty. People forced by poverty and less per captia income are moving towards Europe and other regions to seek better opportunities of earning. There are many countries where level of income is such low that sometime families are compelled to commit suicide and to seek other way of escape.
another reason is living standard of Europe which attracts many people from the world to move to Europe. People allured by standard of living and better facilities find Europe a best place to live so they move by various legal or illegal sources to settle in Europe and other countries with high living standard.

War is another reason behind the movement of migrants. Like recent war in Syria has given rise to many syrian and neighboring countries' people to move into Europe and to seek asylum. Because people fed up of war think to shift in the areas where their lives are safe and they have enough sources to live upon.
Disturbance is also a cause of large flow of people in Europe . In the few areas where the groups like ISIS are working. There people feel it hard to live. So to escape the atrocities of these group people move away from their home towns and they try to settle in Europe and other Countries.
Migrants are big challenge for EU but on the humanitarian grounds and on the policy level, EU is trying to settle as maximum as possible people in their countries. It is directly adding in manpower and labor industry of EU country. Although now it seems crisis but in the coming days when these migrants will learn the language and other values of the europe they will be productive force providing ultimately skilled labor and manpower to europe.
Mostly migrants prefer to move to those countries where they think they would get an easy settlement. So in this context europe becomes one of the ideal destination for the immigrants. Because they expect that by moving into europe they will be able to get better standard of life and their children would be able to get better education, They expect an easy life full of all the basic facilities and health services. These all attractions of europe which are basically related with the comforts of life urge people to search the means to enter into europe.
although certain change of policies sometime effects the flow of migrants but usually europe is an ideal choice of all migrants and they move to europe. Sometime migrants become the part of culture and sometime they are unable to detach themselves from their native traditions and values. But in all cases they love to live in europe.
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